Pilates Silver Sensations brings full-service Pilates to East Lansing

It's been described as intelligent exercise that yields profound results.
And for Rosemarie Gregg, Pilates became a force that transformed her life and livelihood.
In early September, Gregg "cut the ribbon" on Pilates Silver Sensations—the only full-service Pilates studio in the Lansing area. The 1,700-square foot studio at 4964 Northwind Drive in East Lansing offers Pilates classes in various formats, including mat, reformer equipment and total barre. The studio is also among the few licensed vendors of lucy Activewear in mid-Michigan.
"I'm calling it Pilates Silver because I work with people 35 to 70 years old," she says. "As we age, we compensate and our postural alignment goes out. Pilates can help realign the spine to its natural state."
Gregg's passion for Pilates harkens back to 2010 when she injured her back cross-country skiing. She says she went to seven doctors, including a neurologist, seeking relief from chronic pain and numbness. She found relief through Pilates.
"I started in a Pilates class and within six months, all my pain went away," says the 50-something Gregg. "I also got in the best shape I ever had been in my life."
Gregg was so convinced of the healing power of Pilates that she underwent nearly 500 hours of training to become a certified instructor of STOTT Pilates. She began teaching and rapidly outgrew the 300-square foot studio she and her husband set up in her Okemos home.
Gregg has about 50 active clients and has taught nearly 250 individuals. Her new studio will have four reformer machines and stands, 29-feet of bars, and two full walls of mirrors. Courses run on four- to six-week schedules, with some private instruction available. Gregg teaches most of the classes herself, but recently hired one Pilates and one yoga instructor to help with her growing clientele.
"Pilates will totally change the shape of your body and is the best form of exercise you can do to build your core strength," says Gregg. "It will give you the firmest butt, build your core strength, and tone your abs like crazy."
Source: Rosemarie Gregg, Owner, Pilates Silver Sensations
Writer: Ann Kammerer, Development News Editor
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